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Lauren Cleary

Hey everyone! I am happy to say that I am back and blogging again after what feels like forever! If all goes well these next couple of weeks, I should be bringing some content onto my page 2-3 times a week. I have a lot of fun ideas planned and I can't wait to share them with you all.

Today's post is all about change. Yup, that scary word that makes us all shudder in fear and want to hide in the deepest and darkest crevices of our houses. I for one am terrified of change. It is unfamiliar to me and makes me UBER uncomfortable. The smallest changes such as a change in my daily schedule or Whole Foods not having my favorite granola bars can literally ruin my entire day (sometimes month because I am petty).

But here's the kicker: Change is inevitable. Change is one of the only guarantees in this life next to death. And another kicker: some people think they can avoid it. I've seriously talked to people who have told me that they are never going to change and that their life will never change. I get where they are coming from because a lot of us don't want change to come when we feel comfortable and content. However, how will any of us ever grow into who we were meant to be if we don't change or let change come and go.

A lot of us are scared to go after our dreams because doing so means change and stepping out of that bubble we call our comfort zone. Change makes us do a 180 and at times it makes us feel hopeless and far off of the path we wanted to go. But I truly believe that this is the reason we must accept and adapt to it. We must become the changes in our lives.

I remember watching a video of this woman talking about change. She talks about how when something happens that we didn't expect and it throws us off of our "plan", our first inclination is to panic and fear that we have lost everything. However, she goes on to say that instead of thinking that way we must say "no, this is EXACTLY where I am supposed to be". She explains how as soon as we realize that life happens for you, not to you, we are then capable of achieving anything. It is through accepting change and looking at it as an opportunity given to us that we can grow and become who we want to be.

Adaptation is a part of life. The amount of control we have over our surroundings and others is less than minimal. That is why I am learning to do two things: accept and adapt. These two words have been a part of my mantra these past couple of months. A lot of things have been happening that were out of my control and my comfort zone. The first couple of times, I questioned my dreams, goals and values. I almost gave up on some of the things I truly loved. I was scared. Scared of change. Scared of adversity. But these two words, accept and adapt, helped me recognize the opportunities right in front of me. I'm telling you guys, most of the time the greatest things in life come from the things that scare us the most because that is where we can experience the most growth. When we change, we grow. And I feel that I am growing through this acceptance in itself.

A lot of you may be going through transitions and change right now such as moving up to high school, college or adulthood. These transitions are scary and new to us. But here's a comforting concept: through this change, you are one step closer to achieving your dreams. One step closer to growth. One step closer to becoming who you want to become. One step at a time.

And guess what? I'm here to do it with you and so is everyone else around you. Hold on to that and use it to move forward.

I started thinking about this topic of change recently. I was talking to my amazing mom about how I was nervous for college, how I was nervous for change and that I was worried about the decisions I made thus far. She told me this (and get your pencils ready): "Your heart brought you to where you are. Don't let your fears take away from that. Trust that everything will be okay no matter what. You are on a journey of endless roads ahead. Try to enjoy the ride and know how blessed you are". (Yes I am going to frame this somewhere in my dorm room). We talked about how fear is a reflex we all have in the face of change. However, we have the choice to be courageous and hell, we only get to do this all once so why live in fear?

So yes, I am terrified to step out of my comfortable routine but whenever I feel that fear I replace it with a visualization of my dreams. I picture myself 10 years from now, looking back and thanking my 18 year old self for facing her fears and bringing me to that moment. How cool is that to think about??

Change can be both a suffocating idea and a breathe of fresh air. Choose the latter, because you CAN. You have control over how you react. You really do. And you never know, you may be one decision away from the change you need.

Be the change. Seek the change. And the change will seek you too.

Until Next Time,





My girl :0) Love you

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